The Global Business Strategies Program at ISEAS is an advanced training course designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and implement successful strategies in the global business environment. This comprehensive program focuses on understanding international markets, navigating cultural differences, managing global operations, and formulating strategic plans that align with global business goals. Participants will explore key areas such as global market analysis, cross-cultural management, international finance, and strategic planning. Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical applications, this course prepares participants to address the complexities and opportunities of operating in a global marketplace, ensuring their organizations thrive in an interconnected world.

  • Introduction to Global Business



    Description: Provides an overview of global business principles, including the importance of globalization, key drivers of international business, and the challenges and opportunities in the global market.

    Key Topics: Globalization, International Business Drivers, Market Entry Strategies, Global Business Environment

  • International Market Analysis


    Description: Focuses on analyzing international markets to identify opportunities and risks. Participants will learn to conduct market research, assess market potential, and understand the competitive landscape.

    Key Topics: Market Research, Market Potential Assessment, Competitive Analysis, SWOT Analysis

  • Global Strategic Planning


    • Description: Covers the principles of strategic planning in a global context. Participants will learn to develop and implement strategic plans that align with global business objectives and respond to international market dynamics.
    • Key Topics: Strategic Planning, Global Strategy Formulation, Implementation, Performance Monitoring
  • Cross-Cultural Management


    Description: Teaches participants how to manage and lead diverse teams across different cultures. Participants will learn about cultural differences, communication styles, and strategies for effective cross-cultural collaboration.

    Key Topics: Cultural Awareness, Cross-Cultural Communication, Leadership in Diverse Teams, Conflict Resolution

  • Global Supply Chain Management


    • Description: Focuses on managing global supply chains to enhance efficiency and reduce risks. Participants will learn about logistics, procurement, and supply chain optimization in an international context.
    • Key Topics: Global Supply Chain Optimization, Logistics Management, Procurement Strategies, Risk Management
  • International Finance and Risk Management
      • Description: Covers the essentials of international finance, including foreign exchange risk, international financing options, and managing financial risks in global operations.
      • Key Topics: Foreign Exchange Risk, International Financing, Financial Risk Management, Global Financial Markets
  • Global Marketing Strategies


    Description: Focuses on developing and implementing marketing strategies for international markets. Participants will learn about market segmentation, branding, and digital marketing in a global context.

    Key Topics: International Market Segmentation, Global Branding, Digital Marketing, Market Entry Tactics

  • Legal and Regulatory Environment


    Description: Teaches participants about the legal and regulatory challenges of operating globally. Participants will learn to navigate international trade laws, compliance requirements, and intellectual property protection.

    Key Topics: International Trade Laws, Compliance, Intellectual Property, Regulatory Environment

  • Innovation and Technology in Global Business


    Description: Explores the role of innovation and technology in driving global business success. Participants will learn to leverage technological advancements and innovative practices to stay competitive in the global market.

    Key Topics: Technological Innovation, Digital Transformation, Global Competitive Advantage, Innovation Management

  • Capstone Global Business Strategy Project


    Description: The capstone project integrates learning from all modules into a comprehensive global business strategy initiative. Participants will apply their knowledge to develop and present a strategic plan addressing a real-world global business challenge.

    Key Topics: Strategic Plan Development, Implementation, Presentation Skills, Evaluation

Dr Nelisa Fariz


Dr. Nelisa brings over 20 years of extensive experience as a business consultant and researcher to the ISEAS Corporate Training Program. With a rich background in conducting research and consulting projects across various countries, Dr. Nelisa has a deep understanding of the complexities and dynamics of global business. As an expert in international market strategies, cross-cultural management, and global supply chain optimization, Dr. Nelisa is well-equipped to teach the Global Business Strategies course. Her insights and practical knowledge will provide participants with valuable perspectives on how to navigate and succeed in the global marketplace. Dr. Nelisa's commitment to excellence and passion for fostering professional growth make her an exceptional instructor, dedicated to empowering corporate professionals with the skills and strategies needed to thrive in an interconnected world.

Certificate Price
Certificate of Achievement $50.00